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नवोदय विद्यालय में बच्चों व स्टाफ का हेल्थ चेकअप

  नवोदय विद्यालय में बच्चों व स्टाफ का हेल्थ चेकअप मुजफ्फरपुर 7 घंटे पहले एजुकेशन रिपोर्टर | मुजफ्फरपुर जवाहर नवोदय विद्यालय खरौनाडीह में सो...

Vision and Mission JNV Khara Kheri Fatehabad Navodayan Alumni Association (FNAA)

Vission and Mission of JNV Fatehabad Navodaya Alumni Association

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1) To maintain effective networking among alumni.
2) No membership fees
3) To help JNV students in finding jobs and intern-ship for their career growth.
4) Provisioning of scholarship for top performing student.
5) To organize  carrier fairs for present and recently passout students.

The JNV Khara Kheri Fatehabad Navodayan Alumni Association (FNAA) has below few point as it's initial vision:

(a)  To promote value and preserve culture in India .
(b)  To promote socio cultural activities and establish fraternity.
(c)  To assist the institution in achieving further excellence in admission, academics and in fostering as a pace setting unit.(d) To induct and groom the younger generation of the institute to carry forward the glory of JNVs and the cater belongingness to the institute and the motherland.(e)  To serve the objectives of excellence coupled with equity and social justice.(f)   To promote creative intelligence.(g)  To inculcate eco-friendly attitude.

  • Web portal/ Facebook group/Twetter
  • Instagram/Mobile Apps for all platform
  • Alumni database management
  • E-magazine
  • School, Regional and national alumni meets
  • Rewards and recognition programmes
  • Cooperative societies
  • Welfare programmes
  • Funds raising and managements
  • Social justice wing for needy ones
  • Scholarship for students
  • Coaching programmes for all key exams
  • Education loans
  • More ideas are welcome

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